Premium directory listing.
- Highlighted and prioritised search result and listing entry.
- Add a short and a long description to your listing, providing additional information for prospective customers.
- Upload up to 30 images to show off your business to potential customers.
- Upload up to 10 documents such as brochures.
- Add keywords to your listing to ensure your business is found by prospective customers.
- An easy-to-use HTML editor allows you to use your own formatting and stand out from the crowd.
- Appear in the featured listings sidebar to make your business stand out from your competitors.
- Wedding Heart will mention your new listing on its Twitter and Facebook pages.
- Wedding Heart will mention your new listing on its Twitter and Facebook pages.
- Wedding Heart will state your business' promotions on its Twitter and Facebook pages (Max of 5 promotions per month. Promotion details are to be emailed to
[email protected]).